The PA-200 Tornado is a tri-nationally developed, all-weather, two-seat combat aircraft introduced into the armed forces by Germany, the United Kingdom, and Italy beginning in 1980. Germany, Italy, and Saudi Arabia use the fighter jet in different roles. Delivery of the first PA-200 Tornados to the Bundeswehr began in 1981 and was completed in 1992 with the handover of the last PA-200 Tornado ECR (Electronic Combat and Reconnaissance). A total of 357 multi-role combat aircraft were delivered to both the Air Force and Navy.
A special feature of the Tornado is its high penetration capability due to its excellent ability to fly low at treetop height in combination with a high flexibility in the configuration of armament options and range. The Tornado achieves high accuracy and assertiveness, especially under threat. This is thanks to its advanced flight control, navigation, mission, and weapon computer avionics, in combination with a very effective self-defence system.
The German Tornado fleet is essentially divided into the fighter-bomber IDS (Interdiction Strike) and the TORNADO ECR (Electronic Combat and Reconnaissance). One part of the IDS is specially equipped for optical and infrared reconnaissance (TORNADO Recce).
The IDS Tornado is the base version of the fighter-bomber. It is capable of providing air support to ground forces (also known as “close air support”), battlefield interdiction (preventing the arrival of new ground forces), and air assault on enemy installations and positions deep in enemy space.
The Tornado ECR is used to locate, identify, and, if necessary, engage radar installations and radar-guided air defence systems.
A German Air Force Tornado will be on display at AIRPOWER24.
Panavia PA-200 TORNADO
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