Dornier Do228 LM

The DO 228 LM in action for environmental protection – The Central Command for Maritime Emergencies in Cuxhaven monitors the German sea areas against marine pollution on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Transport.

However, the two civilian authorities do not operate any aircraft themselves, but the navy provides them with permanent support for this purpose. Naval Air Wing 3 “Graf Zeppelin” in Nordholz therefore has two DO 228 LM multi-purpose transport aircraft. These two unique aircraft are specially equipped for their mission as “oil hunters”.

The DO 228 LM is based on the Dornier 228 civilian short-haul aircraft. With radar, infrared, and ultraviolet sensors as well as microwave radiometers, fluorescence lasers, and video cameras, this turboprop aircraft can detect any pollution on the surface of the water from the air – whether during the day or at night. The naval aviators forward their data directly and immediately to the emergency command. The constant presence of the navy’s DO 228 LM over the German North Sea and Baltic Sea alone deters the crews of ships and boats from flushing their tanks or even disposing of toxic waste at sea, for example. The navy’s oil scouts fly without weapons or a military mission status. But protecting the seas is part of the German Navy’s remit. The legal basis for the Dorniers’ reconnaissance flights includes the MARPOL Convention of 1973, the International Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution.

Dornier Do228 LM

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