Fast, easy, and stress-free to AIRPOWER24

Convenient, environmentally friendly, and just a few minutes’ walk from the centre of the event site: Travelling to AIRPOWER24 by public transport has never been easier or quicker. AIRPOWER24 sets new standards in terms of transport.

Eine Infografik in Blautönen wirbt für Bahnreisen zum AIRPOWER24 in Zeltweg, Österreich. Sie zeigt eine Karte mit einer roten Stecknadel, die Zeltweg markiert, und gestrichelte Linien von Wien, Linz, Salzburg und Villach. Der Text „SONDERZÜGE AUS WIEN, LINZ, SALZBURG UND VILLACH“ weist auf Sonderzüge aus diesen Städten hin. Für Ticketinformationen wird ein Website-Link ( bereitgestellt.

Special trains

The ÖBB’s special trains are a particularly sustainable, congestion-free, and stress-free way of travelling from

  • LINZ, and

to the train terminals. You can get to the AIRPOWER24 event site in just a few minutes with one of the free AIRPOWER shuttles. The departure times are in the early morning – you can get to AIRPOWER24 in time for the start of the event. The return times are shortly after the end of the event. The respective timetable will be announced in detail. A ticket purchase automatically guarantees a seat (only as many tickets are sold as there are seats).

It is NOT possible to reserve a specific seat.

Click here for the discounted special train tickets.

The ÖBB has also ensured a significant increase in the frequency of regional services and thus more local trains at the applicable fares on both days of the event. Information on the timetable and ticket bookings can be found via the ÖBB Ticket Shop.

Ein Werbeplakat für AirPower24 mit einer Karte von Österreich, auf der Standorte und Buslinien eingezeichnet sind. Es enthält einen Text in deutscher Sprache mit Details zur Busanreise zu AirPower24 in Zeltweg, Ticketpreisen (die ersten 1.000 Tickets kosten 24 €) und einem Link zur Website für den Ticketkauf.

By bus from all over Austria to AIRPOWER24

Go directly to the event site using one of our own bus routes from any of the hundreds of possible pick-up points throughout Austria.

The first 1,000 bus tickets cost just €24 as a special price, regardless of which corner of Austria you want to travel from.

You can find the bus tickets here.

Infografik mit detaillierten Anreisemöglichkeiten zu AirPower 24 in Zeltweg. Enthält eine Kartenübersicht mit vier Parkplatzsymbolen mit der Aufschrift „P“ und einer Stecknadel für Zeltweg. Es sind Symbole für ein Auto und ein Motorrad vorhanden, mit Text, der auf Parktickets und kostenlose Shuttle-Dienste hinweist. Website für Tickets enthalten.

Secure your parking tickets today

If you still want to arrive by car or motorcycle, you will need a parking ticket which can be purchased conveniently via Ö-Ticket ( in advance. Large-capacity buses can also book their parking ticket today.

You can either walk or take one of the free AIRPOWER shuttles directly to the event site from all parking areas. There is also a dedicated motorcycle parking area in the vicinity of the site, which can also be booked in advance via Ö-Ticket.

From the KRAUBATH car park, you can get to the event site free of charge with our own shuttle trains – here the parking ticket, pre-booked via Ö-Ticket, is then also valid as a train ticket.(Note on accessibility at KRAUBATH station: assistance for the use of the transport station and/or platforms is recommended – at least in some areas).

Physically disabled persons who are in possession of a disabled pass with the additional entry “Unreasonable use of public transportation due to permanent mobility restriction due to a disability or blindness” (e.g. parking permit for disabled persons) are provided with paved disabled parking spaces in the immediate vicinity of the event grounds free of charge.

You can find an overview of the parking areas in the FAQs here.

You can find the parking tickets here

Ein Mann, eine Frau und ein Kind fahren mit dem Fahrrad auf einem gepflasterten Weg durch einen sonnigen Park. Alle drei tragen Helme und Freizeitkleidung. Der Weg ist von grünem Gras und Bäumen gesäumt. Der Himmel ist blau mit ein paar vereinzelten Wolken. Der Mann fährt ein blaues Fahrrad, das Kind ein grünes Fahrrad und die Frau ein weißes Fahrrad.

Environmentally friendly arrival from the region by bike

You have the greatest flexibility when coming by bike from the surrounding area. Bicycle parking is located at the Zeltweg sports center (Bundesstraße 16, 8740 Zeltweg). From there, the event site is only a few hundred metres and can be reached on foot.

The bicycle parking lot offers space for around 300 bicycles and can be used free of charge. The parking spaces are not covered, but offer the possibility of locking up a bicycle. However, the organiser accepts no liability for loss of or damage to bicycles. Due to the enforced safety regulations, bringing your bike onto the site is unfortunately not allowed.

Infografik mit deutschem Text „Anreise zur Airpower24“. Keine Autos, symbolisiert durch ein durchgestrichenes Auto- und Motorradsymbol. Empfohlene Reiseoptionen sind Symbole für einen Zug und einen Bus, verbunden durch Pfeile, die auf ein Airpower-Logo mit einem Adler zeigen. Blauer Hintergrund.

Which routes do I take by car/motorcycle?

From Linz: First take the A7 towards the Linz junction (Knoten Linz), then continue on the A1 towards Salzburg to the Voralpenkreuz junction (Knoten Voralpenkreuz). Continue south on the A9 to the St Michael junction (Knoten St. Michael), before taking the S36 towards Judenburg. This will take you to Zeltweg.

From Salzburg: In Salzburg take the A10 in the direction of Klagenfurt, then leave the A10 at exit 104 at St. Michael in the direction of Tamsweg and continue via Murau in the direction of Scheifling. In Scheifling, turn left onto the S36. From here it goes directly to Zeltweg.

From Graz: Take the A9 to the St. Michael junction, where you take the S36 towards Judenburg, which will take you to Zeltweg.

From Vienna: Take the A2 south to Seebenstein junction, where you join the S6. Follow this until the St. Michael junction, where you take the S36 towards Judenburg, which will take you to Zeltweg.

From Klagenfurt: Take the A2 northbound to exit 241 Bad St. Leonhardt, where you leave the highway and take the B78, which will take you directly to Zeltweg.