
AIRPOWER22: Sustainability report documents CO2 savings –
100 percent CO2 compensation creates CO2 neutrality.

Back in September 2021, the AIRPOWER22 project team was instructed by Defense Minister Klaudia Tanner to plan and implement AIRPOWER22 as a “role model” for a sustainable major event. The topic of sustainability was therefore a top priority for all those responsible and was a cross-cutting issue throughout all planning stages for AIRPOWER22. The final sustainability report is now available, which shows clear successes in reducing the CO2 balance. Over 3,357 data records with around 17,000 individual entries in 106 data groups were evaluated and compared with existing data from 2019. These show a saving of 18 percent CO2 equivalent per capita; the declared target for 2021 was 15 percent.

The key figures in the sustainability report demonstrate clear successes in our sustainability efforts:

  • 275,000 visitors at AIRPOWER22
  • Sustainability efforts led to a reduction of 18 percent CO2 equivalent per capita.
  • 100 percent CO2 compensation makes AIRPOWER22 a “climate-neutral” event.
  • AIRPOWER22 generated 92 percent of regional added value in services, suppliers and catering directly from the region or Styria.
  • While 971 g of CO2 were caused per employee by their own mobility in 2019, the figure was only 637 g of CO2 in 2022.
  • 3,357 analyzed data records with 17,000 individual entries provide a profound planning basis for the next AIRPOWER.

CO2 emission balance is 100% compensated.
Following the AIRPOWER22 event, the CO2 emission balance of AIRPOWER22 will be completely neutralized with suitable compensation projects. This makes AIRPOWER22 the first CO2-neutral air show in the world. The first compensation measures have already been prepared and will be implemented as early as 2023.

Photo Credit: BMLV, archive picture AIRPOWER22 Defense Minister Klaudia TANNER and Brigadier Wolfgang PRIELER